Tìm kiếm Blog này

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Talking about your future for next 10 years

will to be/verb...
want to become..
be going to...

- Flight attendant: tiếp viên hàng không
- Lawyer: luật sư
- Director: giám đốc

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Could You Please Tell Me The Way To ... ? (ask for directions)

- Go straight forward: đi thẳng về trước
- Go along this street: đi dọc theo con đường này
- Go up the bridge, go down the bridge
- Go through the tunnel (the super market)
- Take + Street's name (đến đường)
- Stay on the Nguyễn Trãi street (for 3 miniute, for 3 kilometer)
- Turn left, turn right, turn back: quẹo trái, quẹo phải, quay trở lại.
- crossroad = intersection : ngã tư
- Three-way crossroads: ngã ba
- Traffic roundabout : bùng binh
- At the corner of the...: tại góc của... 
- After that, then, next, and finally (linking)
- mental hospital: BV tâm thần.
- fast-food store: cửa hàng thức ăn nhanh.
- police station: đồn cảnh sát.
- the bank: ngân hàng
- the mall: trung tâm thương mại
- gas station: trạm xăng
- Excuse me! Could you please tell me the way to ...?
Excuse me! Could you please tell me how I can get to ... ?
- Excuse me! Where is ...?
- Excuse me! Where I can get...?
- Is it from the left or the right side of the road?
- What does 
- How long from here to there ?
- How far from here to there ? 
- I got lost on the way back home.
- Ok. Thanks for your help!
- Just to double check.
- It's a one way lane (đường một chiều)
- It's a very busy road.
- There might be road repaired (đường đang sửa chữa)
- Sorry, I don't know.
- alley: con hẻm
- avenue: đại lộ
- national highway: quốc lộ
- highway: đường cao tốc
- traffic light: đèn xanh đỏ
- for about: trong khoảng ()